77 out of 100.0 Comments Challenge & Achievement: Results & Contribution - An ambitious project that explores a novel use of graphical scores for engaging non musicians with musical composition. Overall this is a very well executed project with a particularly strong grounding in related research and a solid and well thought out evaluation. Well done! - An excellent background and related work chapter that gives a very engaging and thorough account of music notation and systems for graphical music notation. Good use of a summary table to collate related work. - In summary, this is an excellent project in which Peter explored the implementation and evaluation of an application of making music through drawing. There is a good motivation for the work, and thorough and excellent background literature covering historical and contemporary approaches to making music, and making the case for the need to support novice and non-musicians in making music. The design of the application is interesting, making use of typical mapping approaches. Peter has also devise an interesting evaluation to check the impact of his application on the experience of making music. Here however, the qualitative analysis using thematic analysis was not applied to the expected standard. There is nonetheless good reflections on the evaluation, but the discussion was a bit thin, and could have benefits from more links to all the background covered in earlier part of the thesis. Overall, very good job. Technical Approach: Design & Implementation - Excellent well explained breakdown of design around implementation of features. - Very good level of detail throughout the design section. Critical Interpretation: Evaluation & Understanding - Great use of a multi-day evaluation method to evaluate the system. - Methodology is well considered. Report Presentation: Organisation & Communication - This is a very well written report, with a clear structure. Excellent use of visual material throughout. Overall, this was very engaging to read!